Greetings from Isedon Goldwing

Welcome to Dragon Runes website. The Dragon Runes Wiki page up, and I am updating all new information in those pages, however all information that was previously available on this original page is still here.

For those looking for my Dragon Runes, please select the "Tomes of Knowledge" link at the top. I have recently added the Runes Cosmology that gives an overview of how all the runes tie together. I would recomend the Cosmology section to any who feel the runes call to them. Also recently added is a new menu heading that I will be filling in as I get the information for it. It will eventually hold a page of information specific to each rune. Currently I only have placed the Ratanen rune up, but watch this page to see when anything else gets updated.

I do not create runes for sale as divination sets, however I have had several people ask me for permission to create and sell these runes. In general I will give permission for this as long as reference is made to this website and acknowledges myself somewhere with the runes. I have found the best way to find any rune sets available for sale is to google for "Isedon Goldwing" and you should find several sites. For those just wishing to repost the information found on this site, I request that there be a link back here as well so that everyone can keep up with new information as I update and add it.

I haven't written any poetry in a while, inspiration block and all that. Feel free to browse what is here and any questions about Dragon Runes or poems or feedback and the such, feel free to contact me.

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Message from the Webmistress

This site is updated as content becomes available. If you have any questions/comments/etc about the site layout, please contact me.